Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hey Ya'll! (I take that back... Ya'll sounds weird xD ) Everyone! ;D Gewhana here, to update yew on more wzw news c;

Anyways, now to ze real news, today, as usual, max put in ze new quests for the woozen quests! ;D There's a SUPER long queue.. But at least you can click ze doors to ze quests anyways! :D So here are this weeks woozens quests:

                                                     Pirate Maze -Read Wheel- :

Rage Quit Maze 2 -Rage Harder (Made By: Thechickmagnetto):

TreeHousE MazE (Made by: Stalacmite):

The Ultimate Directioner Quest (Made by: Loves123p):

So 3 of them are mazes, while 1 is a quests, I personally like ze rage maze, which is actually pretty easy xD My least fave would be ze pirate maze cuz I can't do it cuz It's friends only.. no, scratch that, that, the one direction quest ;P Lol, have fun doing these mazes, I know I did! That's all ze news I have for now... Tata!

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