Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wacky Wednesday!

Hey guys! So, today is wednesday, and for some random reason, woozworld decided to release clothes in stores for half the price as "Wacky Wednesday" Of course, woozworld didn't put them in shopz as a sale, the put them IN THE STORE! Might I remind yew you can get these same items for wooz in shopz... (Nice going woozworld! ;D ) Anyways, here's what the ad was when I entered woozworld:
Personally I like ze ad cuz u can move it around with your mouse xD Anyways, this is the picture with the wacky wednesday outfits in store:
There are two packs, Wacky Wednesday for her, which includes 4 outfits, and 1,000 wooz, and it costs $4.99 USD, same for the boys, except with 4 boy outfits c; So thats all for now, hope you guys have a nice Wacky Wednesday, Tata! ;D

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