Thursday, July 11, 2013

Wooz Guidez Fired???

Hey everyone! Hana here! I was browsing peoples walls when I saw someone talking about a wooz guide being fired... which one may you ask? CreepersGoBoom.  According to her wall, she was bullying, and ignoring bad behavior I guess? and the woozband duely noted it. Creeper no longer has the @ in front of her name, and is not wearing the shirt any longer. 

Her status reads this:
Well I got fired from Woozguidez :( I wish the new Woozguidez luck. They'll do better than I ever have. Now I'm back to my normal life... Nobody understands that nobody IS perfect. Remember, Everyone HAS feelings.

So she was indeed fired, but with no solid cause. Jenny also commented about the woozguides, stating only the names of them, 2 new ones, and 2 old ones, though not Creepers. The 2 new wooz guidez are; SpyIsland-Backup, And Cutedizzyway

The offical wooz guidez as of now are:





Thats all the info I have for now, Tata!

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